
There can be no more spectacular surroundings to an international regatta than the start of the Rolex Middle Sea Race in the Grand Harbour Malta! Overhung by medieval limestone fortresses, batteries, church domes and a variety of centuries old architectural masterpieces, Malta captures a feeling of greatness in years gone by.

Various class starts triggered by a cannon from the past,  gets the fleet off beating up to the harbour exit. A downwind run along the coast, giving spectators a wonderful sight, before setting of towards Sicily. Wind predictions were better than expected and we managed to reach along at a respectable 8.8 knots. The online results showed us in first position rounding Capopassero on Sicily! Setting our A2 spinnaker we were in good speed mode until a rip in the sail brought it down. Some good crew work had the A3 up in no time and we trucked down at good speed towards the Messina straits. A beautiful moon came out and surrounded by the lights on the Italian mainland on starboard and those of Sicily on port made for a memorable passage. Good winds took us through the straits and we are making good mode with Stromboli a few miles in front of us.

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